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Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for showing interest!

Did you know...

Kidney disease affects 1 in 7 US adults or 37 million Americans have Chronic Kidney disease. 1 in 3 people have diabetes and 1 and 5 have high blood pressure. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. 


According to the United States Rena Data system in 2020, nearly 808,000 Americans are living with ESKD (End Stage Kidney Disease). Black people are 4 times more likely to get the disease compared to white people.

About Denise Gray-Boddie

After 30 + years in the health care profession and helping to diagnose and educate people from all walks of life Denise Gray-Boddie needs your help. Due to having ESKD (End Stage Kidney Disease). She needs a Kidney transplant to save her life and have a decent quality of Life. Denise Gray-Boddie has given to her community in many ways over the years with a giving heart. She is very active.  She would like to continue doing both of those things in earnest.  


Commonly asked questions regarding a kidney transplant:

Why are we reaching out to you?

Denise Gray-Boddie after several decades of serving the public needs your help and consideration. Due to her progressive kidney disease and the wait time for decease kidney transplant continues to grow. Many people in Michigan are waiting five years or more to receive a kidney from a deceased donors. Due to complications associated with kidney disease many people on the wait list do not remain healthy enough to receive a transplant by the time a kidney is available to them. If you are a person looking for help. You will first need to be tested at no cost to you at the U of M Living Donor Office at 1-800-333-9013. Please reference Denise Gray-Boddie so they can find the patient.

What type of person is a good candidate to provide a kidney?

A person in decent health should look to get tested. We are not looking for someone in the best health even though that would be nice. Decent health is more realistic. Even if you’re not a direct blood type match with Denise Gray-Boddie, you can still help. The Paired Kidney Donation is a program that offers people in need of a kidney transplant an additional opportunity for transplant.

Will it cost the kidney donor money to donate?

  • All Donor Information is confidential 

  • All testing and procedure costs are covered by the Transplant Dept.

  • There is the potential for financial reimbursement for lost wages and transportation  and lodging expenses (

  • Blood type does not matter as there is the option of Paired Kidney Donations

What to expect in donating a kidney:

First, your stay in the hospital for the transplant is minimal with most situations only being 2 days based on when you arrive. You will have some restrictions when you first leave the hospital for a short period based on the doctor's recommendations. After that, in most cases, you’ll be back to your normal life.

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